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Patent enforcement company to receive $22M from Apple after East Texas trial

Patent licensing company Acacia Research Corporation won a $22.1 million verdict against the technology company Apple Inc. on Wednesday, September 14. An East Texas jury in Tyler ruled Apple infringed upon US Patent No. 8,055,820, which was owned by Acacia subsidiary Cellular Communications Equipment LLC. The technology company Nokia Corp. sold that particular patent to Acacia in 2013.

The jury found Apple’s infringement of the patent was intentional, meaning the judge can triple the damage award for the winning company. Acacia is said to be in the business of “patent trolling,” a practice that entails a firm buying patents from companies and using those patents to sue other companies. Following the proceeding, Acacia splits the case’s proceeds with the original patent owner, which in this case is Nokia.

Our attorneys at Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C. help guide clients – whether as plaintiff’s or defendant’s – through litigation concerning intellectual property issues. Get in touch with a qualified member of our legal team by calling our Dallas offices at (214) 824-1414.