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Landlord and Tenant Rent Disputes

The landlord and tenant relationship is one of vital importance that requires mutual accountability for both parties. As a landlord, one of the most undesirable situations you can find yourself in is when a tenant does not pay rent or is unreasonably late on payments. When this is the case, a landlord may have to consider taking certain steps to rectify the situation.

Tips for Landlords

Dealing with a tenant who is not paying rent properly can be a tricky situation. Some steps you can take when this becomes an ongoing problem include:

  • Check Lease Documents and Rent Agreements: This often is the first source to best verify the steps the tenant previously agreed to if rent was paid late or not at all.
  • Give Tenant a Late Rent Notice: This simple piece of paper can let the tenant know that they are late on their rent, their late fees, and that legal action will be taken if they do not pay.
  • Talk to the Tenant: Before or after a late rent notice is given, talking to the tenant can be an important step to figuring out if they intend on paying or if they are responding to your efforts.
  • Taking Legal Action: If all of the previous steps fail to make the tenant pay their rent, it is often necessary to take legal action against the individual.

Tenants are rightfully expected to pay rent to their landlords regularly. When they fail to do so, landlords should consider legal options in order to receive the financial compensation they may be entitled to.

Contact a Landlord/Tenant Dispute Attorney in Plano

If you are a landlord who is having issues with a tenant’s rent payments, contact the Plano legal team at Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C. to start receiving the legal advice you need. Call our offices today at (214) 824-1414 to learn more.