"Bring Zenas the Lawyer..."
- Titus 3:13

The Apostle Paul needed a lawyer. If you need a lawyer, contact us today.

  • Wrongful foreclosure?
  • Real estate issue?
  • Criminal charge?

Learn more about what we do.

Understanding Wrongful Foreclosure

Thousands of homeowners in Fort Worth have been threatened by the frightening prospect of foreclosure. In some cases, however, the foreclosure process is instigated in illegal circumstances. The attorneys of Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C., understand how overwhelming foreclosure can be and know that sometimes, this process is undergone when it is not necessary or legal. If you believe you are experiencing a wrongful foreclosure, our real estate litigation legal team may help you fight back.

Reasons a Foreclosure Could be Illegal

Not every foreclosure is actually legal. There are certain situations in which a foreclosure might be rendered invalid, usually because of creditor or lender malpractice or mismanagement. Some of the actions that could make a foreclosure illegal include:

  • Not providing homeowners with notices
  • Lending in bad faith
  • Predatory lending
  • Overcharging homeowners for late payments

Each of these situations can render a foreclosure illegal. If one or more of the above actions has affected you, it is important to enlist the services of a real estate litigation attorney as soon as possible.

Contact a Real Estate Litigation Attorney in Fort Worth

If you or someone you love has lost their home under illegal circumstances or is facing foreclosure, discuss your situation with the wrongful foreclosure attorneys of Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C.. Our legal team can help you determine if your foreclosure is illegal and hold responsible parties accountable. Call our offices in Fort Worth today at (214) 824-1414 to discuss the particulars of your situation; the security of your home could depend on it.