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Going Green and Workmanship Standards

An increasing number of Americans are making major changes in their lifestyles and habits in order to help preserve the environment. Going green is widely considered to be a responsible thing to do, and it is a good way to ensure that our future generations have a healthy climate to enjoy. One way to go green is by making large-scale renovations to your home that lead to less energy consumption and less pollution output. While this can be considered fantastic undertaking, there are several construction codes that can be violated during such remodeling efforts. If you or someone you know has had to deal with poor workmanship on behalf of a contractor or construction company, you may be eligible for financial compensation.

Codes to Watch

While there are many reputable construction workers who will strive to uphold construction standards when working on your home, there are also dishonest ones who will either cut corners or act negligently during the renovation process. If you’re going green, keep an eye out for these common violations:

  • Falling short of or exceeding electrical input/output requirements
  • Building materials failing to meet homeowners association or inspections standards
  • Poor site planning that does not work with the surrounding natural environment

Renovations that violate any of the above circumstances could lead to faulty structures that may fail to function properly or even collapse.

Contact a Plano Real Estate Attorney Today

If you and your family has been placed in danger by a negligent construction company, you could be eligible for compensation. Call the offices of Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C., at (214) 824-1414 to discuss the particulars of your case with a Fort Worth real estate attorney today.