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Understanding Private Easements

Property easements are legally binding agreements that allow property owners to give others access to specific areas of their property for a specific purpose.  Easement agreements can be complex, and it is essential that property owners understand the details of their easement agreements. In addition, there are three types of easements: utility, prescriptive, and private. Private easements, in particular, allow the private property owner to sell the rights to certain parts of his or her property to another party.

Examples of Private Easements

Private easements should be properly filed as binding legal documents and kept with your deed, as a verbal agreement is not adequate enough to grant an easement. The following are examples of private easement rights:

  • Solar access
  • Driveway access
  • Road access
  • Access to a body of water

There are many complexities involved with the creation, implementation, and termination of private easements. As such, it is important to get in touch with an attorney if you are considering becoming involved with easements, as this can help mitigate the chances of a dispute in the future. If you have recently obtained a new private property that contains private easements, it is important to obtain copies of the easement documents so that you know what these easements allow.

Contact a Dallas/Fort Worth Real Estate Lawyer

If you would like assistance with the legal process involved with private easements, the Fort Worth attorneys at Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C. have experience handling cases regarding easements and easement disputes. Call our Dallas office at (214) 824-1414 today to learn more about how we can help you.