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- Titus 3:13

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Knowing Your Rights as a Tenant

In any residency, a smooth and stress-free living experience requires a reliable landlord. Every tenant wants a landlord who can be trusted to fulfill the obligations they are bound to by your leasing contract. Unfortunately, dependable tenant and landlord relationships are often quickly ruined by sour communication and an uncooperative landlord. If you find yourself facing an eviction that you feel is unwarranted or has not been handled lawfully, it is important to seek the guidance of a professional. A lawyer may be able to pinpoint laws the landlord is breaking so that you can recover your rights as a tenant.

Facing an Unlawful Eviction

There are a number of laws that a landlord must follow in order to rightfully proceed with an eviction. If you are not fully aware of the landlord’s responsibilities, it is easy for the landlord to wrongfully sidestep legal obligations. Requirements a landlord would usually be required to follow include:

  • Eviction Law: Prohibits a landlord from simply kicking you out, even if you are behind on rent
  • Obtaining a court judgement before proceeding with any eviction
  • Giving adequate notice, typically in writing, that must conform to a number of formalities to be valid
  • Provision of extended time allotment for evictions without notice
  • Rent control laws, which some apartment residents are covered by, which could entitle you to an exception or prevent your landlord from evicting you entirely
  • Statutes of “just cause eviction protection”

This list is just an overview of some of the required procedures a landlord must follow to lawfully remove a tenant from their rented space. Each requirement comes with specificities according to each case. Knowing the ins and outs of each one is important in defending yourself from an unjust and uncooperative landlord.

Contact a Dallas Commercial Landlord/Tenant Dispute Lawyer

If you are in the middle of a dispute with your landlord, consulting with a Dallas commercial landlord/tenant dispute lawyer can help you smooth out your situation as soon as possible. The support of knowledgeable professionals can help you retain your rights and defend against unjust actions by a landlord. At Gagnon, Peacock & Vereeke, P.C., our Dallas commercial dispute lawyers know how much is on the line when it comes to disputes such as these. We are dedicated to providing a reliable defense to secure your rights and your place of living. To receive the support you need today, call (214) 824-1414.